
We Spinfotecz is the most preferred enterprises for reliable textile components sales and service both in India & Abroad.

We manufacture as well as outsource / import from OEM suppliers all critical and precision components of entire range of spinning machineries.

We believe in prompt delivery, quality after sales service day in day out.

We will glad to service your requirements at any time. We look forward for an opportunity to serve you at the earliest.

Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

  • Spinfotecz is the most preferred enterprise for reliable textile components whether it is in India or Abroad.
  • Spinfotecz believes in on time customer service and state of the art product innovations.
  • Spinfotecz has high caliber techno crafts with decades of expertise in textile industry.
  • Spinfotecz believes in delivering value for money to customers and setting benchmark for competitors to follow.